Dr. Doug,
Professor of the
PhD of Nothing




We are all one

Quotes to Enlighten:

Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life......" John 14:6

"God is an unintelligible sphere, known to the mind, not the senses, whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.  The center is right where you are sitting and the other is right where I'm sitting.  And each of us is a manifestation of that mystery."        - Joseph Campbell 1987

Jesus said: "He who shall drink from my mouth shall become like me: I myself will become he, and the hidden thing shall be revealed to him." Gospel of Thomas 108


"On the WAY to find out" Cat Stevens

  • GOD is everywhere and in everything and is EVERYTHING.  This is what we have all been taught from our earliest understanding of God.  How is it then that man is separate from God?  He is not.  Man is not separate from God or nature.  
  • When I was a kid, I used to sleep outside under the stars with my friends.  On one occasion, a friend posed me a profound question "If you went straight up forever, would you ever reach the end of space?  And if you did, how would it end?".  That incomprehensible contemplation sparked a thirst within my soul that has followed me throughout my life.  
  • Being raised as a Mormon in Idaho, was the source of my indoctrination into Christianity and the perception that God was the all seeing Eye in the sky, separate from me and looking down on all that I did.  My clearest memory of being aware of God occurred when I was 7 or 8 years old at a company picnic in Cobalt, Idaho.  There were chipmunks and squirrels playing in the rocks a little way up the rock slide near the picnic grounds.  I was at the base of the slide throwing rocks up at the squirrels.  It was entertaining for awhile, that is, until I hit one.  I climbed up the rocks to see what damage I had inflicted on the small creature.  When I found the injured squirrel just barely alive or maybe even dead at that point, the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill" echoed in my head.  Sure that God was about, I found a crevasse in the rocks and placed the squirrel in it. Then covered it up with rocks so God or no one would see what I had done.  The guilt followed me for days after that.  
  • My Christian up bringing was somewhat typical for a kid in a Christian society in America.  I learned about Christ as a historic and mystical person that existed about 2000 years ago that came to earth from above as the Son of God and went to the Cross for our sins.  For about 20 some years, Christ was this incarnation of God and the Holy Spirit which was hard for my mind to get a hold of.  I couldn't fathom how they were the same and yet different.  How could they be one?  
  • After I became an adult, I began to look for answers in the Bible.  Specifically the New Testament.  I went to other churches outside of the Mormon church and concentrated on the teachings of Christ and getting away from other extraneous doctrines.  As I read and re-read the Bible, I focused exclusively on the words of Christ.  One night while staying with Christian friends, I had a revelation, a sense of truth in my being, that Christ, God and The Holy Spirit were not something out there somewhere, but were truly inside as well as everywhere else.  I had always been taught that, but I never truly comprehended it or experienced it.  After that epiphany, I began to look at God in a whole new Light.  Christ wasn't teaching us to act like him, He was teaching us to be aware of that Christ consciousness within each of us and live that consciousness.  I read the New Testament and Christ's words differently now and the Spirit rings true to the meanings of His words.  I also began to see truths in other religions and beliefs.
  • While seeking further clarity, I found  The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are  by Alan Watts.  After reading other Watts books, I moved on to Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, and other Eastern cultures and religions.  I studied the Holy Quran, Buddhism, Hinduism as well as others.  In 1987, PBS broadcast as series called "The Power of Myth" with Bill Moyer interviewing Joseph Campbell shortly before he died.  That program and Joseph's word struck another harmonious chord within my soul and understanding.  
  • Having gained a degree in electronics as a career, I studied the sciences; physics, chemistry, thermodynamics and had a pretty good grasp on the universe and it's laws.  Knowing that I am part of the Universe and observe it from this point of view, I am beginning to see how we are all one.  Each of us is a focal point in the consciousness of the Universe, the same Universe.  We all have that Christ, God, Brahman, Buddha consciousness within us.  We just need to become aware of it.  But to know the face of God is like trying to see your own face without the aid of a mirror.  When asked what religion I profess, I must respond with "I'm a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Jew".
  • I've been told since I was little, that God was everywhere.  But we say it without really believing it or at least experiencing it.  Our tendency is to believe that he is everywhere outside our skin.  But we don't really stop at our skin, do we?  Our bodies are made up of billions of atoms which are made up by even smaller and smaller spinning, whirling packets of energy separated by vast space.  And if the whole truth were known, there is probably no solid matter anywhere at all, but simply forces and those packets of energy giving the illusion of solid matter.  Therefore our bodies are essentially empty space leaving no boundary at our perceived skin.  Energy is all that exists.  God is that Energy.  God is within and without.  All that is, exists in the eternal now.
  • When God said 'let us make man in our image', that image was more like a reflection in a mirror.
  • Seek to find that place within where we are all 'ONE'.


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